Tuesday, February 10

Day 6 - Back On Track

It's day 6 of my irvingia program. I'm weighing in this morning at 241.0 pounds. Nothing notable to report at this point, as expected.

Now that I'm almost a week in I'm starting to expect some change in terms of hunger, eating, or something. Maybe this is just conditioning from the way everything else in the diet industry works.

They pump you full of stimulants and/or caffeine. This way you feel something and believe it must be working. Also, if you aren't usually taking a lot of caffeine you are likely to have some water loss. Bingo, aren't you the lucky recipient of an amazing weight loss miracle.

Irvingia seems to be the opposite. You feel nothing. No stimulant. No caffeine. Is it doing anything? Honestly, in the instant gratification world we live in, this is doomed to leave most consumers flat -- even if it should turn out that it does have a demonstrable effect.

I will also note that I'm aware that shifts in body chemistry take time to build up. If irvingia does do what it's supposed to do it is very possible for it to take a month or two to build up an effect. It takes time for the body to activate new pathways, adjust to different hormone levels, express different genes. Unlike the instant stimulant effect we are used to -- these are very slow processes.

Think of it like healing a wound. Even a scratch can take a week or more to fully heal. If your metabolism is whacked from years of abuse you can't expect it to undo years of abuse overnight.

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