Friday, April 24

Irvingia Doesn't Work On It's Own

Okay, I can conclusively say, at least with respect to weight loss, that Irvingia is not a panacea. I did the ten weeks and there was no real weight loss. I don't see the point of continuing day by day (or week by week) posts to suggest that there is no weight loss happening without a lifestyle change.

I do have good readings on my latest blood test -- but I can't say whether or not Irvingia may have helped in that regard.

Irvingia does not work alone. Irvingia will not miraculously make you lose weight. In fact, if you aren't going to change your lifestyle, don't buy Irvingia products for the weight loss benefit. If you are going to change your lifestyle you may not need to buy Irvingia.

Thursday, April 9

Irvingia: Ten Week Summary

Well, I first started using irvingia because of the hard to believe hype surrounding the product. Lose huge amounts of weight in only 10 weeks. Etc.

Now, admittedly, my dietary habits have been atrocious but I've only lost 2 pounds in the last ten weeks. I don't know if it's fair to blame the irvingia or perhaps to give it credit for the fact I didn't gain weight. I had most of a pizza for dinner last night if you can believe it.

I've gotten almost zero exercise. I've eaten crap. I've had boatloads of stress at work and at home. I've been sleeping poorly.

On top of several months of the above I've got great blood work and fairly consistent weight.

I am going to keep taking the product. I'm hoping to see results if I start to eat like a normal human, perhaps reduce stress levels to a reasonable and bearable tension, and finally get on that damned treadmill regularly!

I don't know what I'm waiting for... perhaps the end of the 10 weeks?

Days 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 - Weight And Blood Tests

Well, I don't have the details in hand, but on Monday when I visited my doctor the latest blood work was completely normal. Nothing of concern. No worries.

Imagine, I've been eating pizza, doritos, diet soda and various other garbage for months now, like a total idiot, and my blood work gives an "all systems clear" signal. It is possible that irvingia has helped me to regulate my lipids and so forth, as it is purported to do.

It hasn't helped me lose any weight, yet. I'm still hoping we'll put aside all the shitty food and that I'll start exercising. Then, perhaps, I'll see results. Anyway, my weight this morning was a boredom inspiring 142 pounds.

Thursday, April 2

Day 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 - Diet At Rest

Well, today's weigh in was 243.5 pounds. I weighed the same amount a few times during the last week but I didn't bother to record it here every day.

Basically, the same as before. I've used the treadmill once. It's the little Evolve unit rated up to 250 pounds. I got it after the Christmas season was well over for about half price. Even so, it costs a fair amount. I decided on the low end model because I'd be wasting less money if I didn't use it -- and I am not against upgrading or getting other equipment if I do get serious.

Yes, I know, the "S" word. At some point I will get serious. Things will get serious then! Until then, it's treats, snacks and a boatload of stress. Oh well, at least I filed the last four years of taxes finally.

Yes, I'm at the top of my game.
