Thursday, April 9

Irvingia: Ten Week Summary

Well, I first started using irvingia because of the hard to believe hype surrounding the product. Lose huge amounts of weight in only 10 weeks. Etc.

Now, admittedly, my dietary habits have been atrocious but I've only lost 2 pounds in the last ten weeks. I don't know if it's fair to blame the irvingia or perhaps to give it credit for the fact I didn't gain weight. I had most of a pizza for dinner last night if you can believe it.

I've gotten almost zero exercise. I've eaten crap. I've had boatloads of stress at work and at home. I've been sleeping poorly.

On top of several months of the above I've got great blood work and fairly consistent weight.

I am going to keep taking the product. I'm hoping to see results if I start to eat like a normal human, perhaps reduce stress levels to a reasonable and bearable tension, and finally get on that damned treadmill regularly!

I don't know what I'm waiting for... perhaps the end of the 10 weeks?


Anonymous said...

The most impressive scientific study on Irvingia also included Cissus in the formulation:

There is only one product that I've found that has both ingredients, in the same amount (250mg) as the study:

FatBoy said...

Hi, thanks for the note.

I seriously wonder if cissus would have been the cause -- or if other concurrent changes in lifestyle confounded the research.

aMUSINGs said...

Perhaps its effect was in the fact you did NOT gain more weight, considering how poorly you ate and that you had no exercise?

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